On the net since 1999, Andy's Anachronisms is devoted to exploring the themes of time travel and alternate history in books, movies, television, and pop culture in general.

What's New

Looking for the latest updates to the website or what's new in the world of time travel and alternate history? Check out my blog Andy's Anachronisms.

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Reviews of time travel and alternate history books can be found here. I am still compiling a comprehensive list of time travel and alternate history books. For now only ones that have reviews are listed.

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Short Fiction

Reviews of time travel and alternate history short stories can be found here. Including classics like Heinlein's By His Bootstraps and Irving Washington's Rip Van Winkle. New reviews are being added as I read them.

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Reviews of time travel and alternate history games can be found here. Including time travel related video games, board games, and role-playing games.

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Links to other time travel and alternate history sites as well as some of my favourite science fiction related sites.

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Looking for over 130 time travel, alternate universe, and alternate history movies? You've come to the right place. We've got lists, and reviews of time travel movies. From obscure to blockbuster there all here.

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Television Shows

A brief history of time travel on the idiot box. Lists and reviews of shows that feature time travel as their premise as well as shows with the ocassional time travel episodes.

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A place for time travel themed songs, videos, and just wacky songs with lyrics that can easily be misinterpreted as having something to do with alternate universes and time travel.

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Stage productions of time travel themed plays are far and few between, but they do exist. You can check out theathre reviews here.

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Time travel references turn up in the oddest places including toys, commercials, art, consiparcy theories, poetry, and more. I've tried to capture some of those under here.

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