Summer Movie Pool 2024 -- Player Entries

Player Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DH DH DH
Jacob Chimilar
Oh, what a day, what a lovely day!
T. Wiseau
I cannot tell you: it's confidential. Anyway, how is your sex life?
Alan Scaia
I am a cipher wrapped in an enigma smothered in secret sauce.
Drew Ayers
Koala Winter Movie Pool
"Our creed is to live fast, fight well, and have a beautiful ending."
The Chee-ampion
"That is all"
Your freedom is my freedom
One Team, One Dream
Jake Hannaford
If they move… kill ‘em.
Nicole Maki
"If You Were Happy Every Day Of Your Life You Wouldn’t Be A Human Being. You’d Be A Game-Show Host."
100% Dean is Hurting My Brain
Damn you all to hell
The new Joker movie is going to beat most of these ... but too late for Summer.
Matt Lieberman
"Don't have a good day, have a great day."
Andy Taylor
Owen Taylor
Average Entry
Middle of the Road


Page Updated: 2024-08-23